
Friday, October 7, 2016

Day 7 31 DOH~Lady Catrina in the Flesh...Oops No Flesh!

Welcome Back for Day 7 of 31 Days of Halloween!

Today we want to announce the Winner of our September Challenge, too! Special thanks to all of our amazing players last month! We really loved seeing new faces and so many cool projects! Huge thanks to Karen of Lunagirl Vintage images for sponsoring us and giving us great images to create with!!

Our Winner is.....#15 RORA with the fantastic altered Halloween Frame!
Please email us at for your badge & prize info.

Now it is CT Nan's turn to play...

I saw a neat Youtube video on the making of the Lady Catrina.  I got really messy with this one after making a wire armature for her body a lot of newspaper and modeling paste from Grumbacher made her rough spots smoother.  Maybe I should try it on my rough spots?? Hmmmm...maybe for a later in the month reveal :)

She knows how to strut her stuff!

And those close ups are a must have in her portfolio!

Look at that rock on her hand!  Maybe given by the donor of the rib cage?  Must be love of the eternal kind :)

Her head is a Dylusions skull stamp in air dry clay with Gelatos smushed around on it. The rib cage that her stylish dress is revealing came from an awesome and willing male skellie who just was dying to give it to her.  Unfortunately, she had lost hers at a really great party!  Good time but lost bones...ying/yang perhaps?

Thanks for visiting us and don't forget our challenge is still going on this month with our usual theme of  "Anything Goes" and any medium is welcome!  And we also thank you for the comments, they keep Evil Froggy smirking and prevents him from eating things that shouldn't be in his diet like US!

We hate to rush you off but things are quiet hectic with this pink issue and CT Anne so we just have to shut the door and off you go to leave some ghoulish love to the next stop!


  1. Oooh & OOOH, what a fabulous lady has shown up here, totally one classy lady in pink. Awesome Nan!

  2. I am jealous...and want to get messy with body parts lol
    Great creation.
    Also Congrats to Rora for the win :D XXX

    1. Oh my Gina, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Your makes are always so awesome I just am amazed so get messy and show us what you make! Thank you, xx

  3. Thank you, Sarah! It is my first play with this type of project messy for sure but fun! Her rear end was supposed to have more "umph" to it but the paste sagged hehe! xx

  4. And congrats Rora on a fab win! Lunagirl fun in the horizon for you! Thanks for playing xx

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Val, she is jealous of the fab Barbie clothes you have made for my Barbie so they are being kept confined to their quarters to prevent any fighting :) xx

  6. this is fangtastic.
    Glad someone was willing (??)
    to donate ribs.
    Love her. she'd look great
    at my house.
    thanks for sharing.

    1. I am assuming those ribs were given with love and permission but I have not delved too deeply into that subject :) Thanks Mary! xx

  7. Fab Lady Catrina, Nan - I am sure you had fun with this!

    1. Yes, Susan, started out scared but ended up a mess and smiling! Thank you, xx I am going to catch up with your blog as soon as I can promise!

  8. Skinny Lady! Of course she'd be modelling for somebody or other. As for me, I'm running round like a chook with my head cut off - which is why I'm flying by the seat of my pants (borrowed that part of hubbie's brain, AND one of his drones mwahaha. I'm spying out pink stuff, to drop some RED alcohol ink onto... if I don't drink it all first.

    1. Now, now Anne! This whole pink thing has gotten you a tab upset but you of all people can creep any color up including PINK hehe Hope hubs didn't get a look at that will be in even more trouble! LOL xx

  9. What a BOOtiful lady, she's fantastic Nan, well done!

    1. Thank you my Queen! :) She is quiet getting an attitude about her modeling career! She doesn't know it was a one time show poor dear! I will break it to her gently after all the festivities! LOL xx

  10. Oh, she's a beauty! Love her! Love her hat & dress.

  11. Awesome image . Thank you for joining us at Dark 'n' Daring Challengesgood luck Ginny DT for Dark 'n' Daring Challenges
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  12. Super creepy project! Love it! Thank you for joining us at Dark'n'Daring. Cindy (DT)


Thanks so much for visiting and partaking of our weirdness! Play on kind souls!
~~~(insert grown up voice)

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